Manual Handling

Should an injury occur to an employee the costs the are:

  • Time off work – financial implications
  • Health care costs
  • Loss of mobility – short term or unfortunately long term
  • Mental Health concerns with long term illness and pain


Should an injury occur, the costs to employers are with:

  • Replacing an injured employee with another
  • Possible court proceedings and associated costs
  • Compensation pay-outs if a case is successful


€153,150 awarded

Slavomir v Windcanton Ireland Ltd [2016]

The plaintiff employee worked in a retail distribution centre as a ‘picker’. His job involved lifting goods from pallets and placing them on trolleys. He suffered an injury to his back while attempting to lift five trays of yoghurts onto a trolley.  The plaintiff although had undergone Manual Handling training, was never properly trained as to the correct technique when twisting or turning while carrying a heavy load.

The judge deemed the training not sufficient to the actual day-to-day activities the defendant was carrying out.


€85,255 awarded

Meus vs Dunnes Stores (2014) IEHC 639 (High Court, Barr J, December 17th, 2014) The High Court awarded damages of €85,255 to an employee of a large retail chain due to back injuries suffered by her while lifting a large box, on the basis that the employer had not provided her with adequate manual handling training or supervision.


€100,000 settlement

Shop worker received a settlement in the region of €100,000 from Debenhams Ireland.  Ms. Kosciuk was asked to lift a box which was “of an excessive weight” and had suffered acute right lower lumbar back pain as a result.