What is a Method Statement?
A work method statement, sometimes called a “safe system of work”, is a document that details the way a work task or process is to be completed. The method statement should outline the hazards involved and include a step by step guide on how to do the job safely. The method statement must also detail which control measures have been introduced to ensure the safety of anyone who is affected by the task or process.
Method Statements are frequently requested as part of a tender process which allows the company to gain an insight into an organisation and the way it operates.
What we can offer…
Sensible Safety Ltd can prepare Method Statements which are required for all high risk operations, activities or tasks or any other work where control measures are not easily identifiable or immediately obvious.
Our professional team will provide you with a clear and precise Method Statement with no ambiguities or generalisations that can lead to confusion. The control measures will be in a form, manner and language that will benefit those carrying out the work and your management team.
The Competent Method Statement delivered by Sensible Safety Ltd will eliminate ‘ad hoc’ work methods and ‘good intentioned improvisations’ which can often cause accidents, injuries or dangerous occurrences.
For further information contact
Call 053 9239383 or email [email protected]