Safety Statements are only delivered after extensive consultation, risk assessment and communication with employees at all levels in the client business. This involves a unique quality assured system. This approach of Plan, Do, Check, Act achieves a balance between the systems and behavioural aspects of management.
The completed Safety Statement is in full compliance with Sections 19 and 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. A meeting with the client is then arranged where management and employees at all levels are in attendance.
The Safety Policy Statement is signed off by the Managing Director/CEO/Owner and employees at all levels then sign off the Safety Statement Acknowledgment Sheet.
This ensures that a positive safety culture can be put in place and all management and staff are aware of their roles and obligations. The Safety Statement delivered is then a live working document and not an unknown document gathering dust on a shelf in an office.
Resulting benefits for the company are:
1. An improvement of employee morale
2. Reduction in lost time, accidents and ill-health
3. A significant decrease in insurance and litigation costs.
4. The overall benefit increasing the company’s profit and improving productivity.
To arrange a meeting to discuss your Safety Statement contact
Shane on 087 6418890 or email [email protected]
Call 053 92 39383 or email [email protected]